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ZHM provides health educators and teachers to promote healthy lifestyles. It also provides personal health counselors to help people sort out health problems and make appropriate plans for handling them.


In addition, ZHM serves as a communication link and support for community health resources and services; organizing health support groups to assist groups in the congregation with particular concerns.  



Mt. Zion Health Ministry  (ZHM) comprises of health care professionals who serve as health and wellness advocates for members of Mt. Zion as well as for our community

To emphasize holistic health and healing within the church.


Focus on wellness, disease prevention and health promotion.

"Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit."

(3 John 1:2)

Planned Interventions:

1) Nurse on-call weekly to assist with non-emergent healthcare needs.

2) Regular Mini Clinics for education and surveillance of common healthcare needs.
3) Visitation of church members who are ill at home or hospitalized.
4) Health Mission for Liberia.

Dr. Crystal Bryant


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